Sunday, May 17, 2009

Anchor River

Fishing the Anchor River, Mt. Redoubt in the background, eagles are the only ones catching fish.

Posted via Pixelpipe.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

want some icecream?

josh getting a mouth full of icecream

Posted via Pixelpipe.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

summer is here

holy cow. its 66 outside! bring it on.


checking out the smells

Posted via Pixelpipe.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Bag Tag Bench

Placed my mark in the wolds on the bag tag Bench at the Anchorage airport.

Posted via Pixelpipe.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February 3, 2009

A Shopping we have gone!
Check out the teddy bears and chocolate we didn't have to buy!
The kids were having a ton of fun in the store. Do you believe that they want $40 per bear! Whatever - you know that I will probably buy one after Valentines day is over!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

February 2, 2009

First and foremost...Happy Birthday Sandy!

now onto the day - not too much happened today. I stopped by Hilltop Ski area to register the family for our snowboarding lessons. Auntie Kristi, Uncle Justin and cousins Karl and JoJo got us a wonderful surprise for Christmas....Snowboarding lessons, ski passes, all gear for the 5 of us for THREE days at hilltop, so over spring break we will be hitting the slopes! How cool is that!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

February 1, 2009

Bubble Gum Bubble Gum in a Dish, how many pieces do you wish?

For gum for her anymore! Not me being a mean mommy, she decided this on her own! She came out of her room screaming and crying and holding her hair and then the bright blue gum stuck out like a big blue balloon. She wasn't upset that the gum was in her hair, she was upset because she didn't want her DADDY to know what she had done. It took her over three hours to show her daddy her pictures of the event. Even then she threw the picture in his lap, then ran back to her room to hide. Guess that teaches her not to chew gum in the house.
Mommy to the rescue!
(I so can't wait to show this to her kids in like 100 years!)

Saturday, January 31, 2009

January 31, 2009

This is Diesel. He acts so much bigger than he really is. Considering all that he been through in his short three years of life, he is one hell of a dog! A few weeks ago Titan, the BIG dog, stepped on him and broke his leg. He's been cooped up in his kennel for the past few weeks, and is now free roam the house again. Today was really sunny, and I found a new scrapping booking website, called , that lets you down load free templates, and as I was building a page, Diesel was standing on his chair barking at the image in the window. His own!

Friday, January 30, 2009

January 30, 2009

Snow, snow and more snow! I had to park in China today. But can't complain too much, my co-worker was parked in BFE, which is about 1/4 mile further. Still I had to park at the very end of China and as I walked, here were my views.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

January 29, 2009

What a cold crisp night - I wish I had brought my big camera with me to work. As I was leaving work around 8 PM or so, I stopped by the bluff to check out the views. I'll come back soon and get a real picture. Promise. This isn't bad for the iPhone though.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

January 28, 2009

Just checking the post office. As I pulled up my long suburban looked like a mini cooper! I chuckled to myself as I watched the fun house type windows for a bit, then had to get back to reality, check the mail, and get back to the office! It was all fun while it lasted. I'll remind myself to park in the front more often.'T stand in front of it.....TOTALLY diffrent effect!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January 27, 2009

Ignore the popcorn in my window - look at the truck! That's my old truck. Well it's Aaron's old truck that he gave to me when we first moved in together. I thought it would be dead on the side of the road somewhere. But here it is, in plain sight headed down Northern Lights. Some young fella was driving it, much older than the one we had sold it to.

I'm stopped at the light. One of the longest lights in Anchorage! Someone should fix that! Then the one on Lake Otis!

Monday, January 26, 2009

January 26, 2009

Objects are closer than they appear! Once again, driving in my car headed back to the office, I spy something really beautiful. But this time its in the side mirror. I can' t help to look back over and over again. The mountains were so large, and the traffic was steady. Just the combination of the two made an interesting picture, as well as the image from my phone. If you look close you can see the frozen ice drops on my mirror too. I really like this picture.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

January 25, 2009

I have been looking for the perfect chair, seat, bench, what ever you may call it, just it has to be the perfect piece of furniture for posing. So after work today I headed down to my local auction house and low and behold this chair - or settee in the 1900's, jumped up and tried to bit me. And oh how pretty it was. The deep deep red, the carvings, the shape, oh it's just perfect in every way....execpt......the price! What would you pay for this beautiful piece of art? Make a comment and tell me - I'm curious to see if you would know. Heck if you would like to have your pictures on this beautiful piece of artwork, donate to my chair fund!

365.....25 days late!

So I keep hearing about some 365 days of posting each and everyday. Curious I thought I would check it out and sure enough when you Google 365, your screen become overloaded with those who have been doing the 365 for more than 5 years. So I'm a tad late on the trend, but thought, what the hell, I can do this. So here is my start, yeah, a little late, but late is better than never.

So what will be posted? Just every day stuff. I've got an iPhone, so you'll see tons of photos that are unclear, wierd, and more than likely taken from my truck.

My goal will be to say something each day, but .....if I get busy, I may just do it all on the weekend, and fugde the dates! HAHA

So here is to the first of many 365 postings!